Hi Søren,
I am lead of the Danish language team.

Currently we are still using the old OpenOffice.org mailing lists but will
soon shift to LibreOffice.

I will grant you access to Pootle right away.

Leif Lodahl

2010/12/27 Soeren Moeller <soerenmoeller2...@gmail.com>

> Hello
> I am a native Danish and German speaker and would like to join the
> effort of translating LibreOffice to Danish. I have created a pootle
> account, configured it, and according to
> http://translations.documentfoundation.org/ I now should contact the
> lead of the Danish language project for permission to translate. Hence
> my problem is that Danish isn't listed on
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language_Teams so I don't know whom
> to contact, could someone please tell me who is the right person to
> ask for permission?
> regards
> Sören Möller
> --
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