
On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:29:29 +0700, Anousak Souphavanh <anou...@gmail.com> 
> Hi,
> Do we have a complete LOCAL BUILD instructions, an url would be fine?
> If not, could you share yours...Thanks,
I also would like to read the instructions if any, otherwise it would be
best to have a Wiki page on how to build a localized one.
IMHO it should describe
* further required packages/dependencies such as translate-toolkit
* passing the --with-lang option to configure or autogen.sh
* updating lo-build-*.sdf by `make update-sdf`
Any suggestions?

-- Takeshi Abe

> Anousak
> On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Aidsoid <aids...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you, I'll try it.
>> 2010/11/14 Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com>
>>> 2010/11/14 Aidsoid <aids...@gmail.com>:
>>> > Hi all
>>> >
>>> > Tell me please, how can I make LibreOffice build from sources with my .po
>>> > file for testing our translation?
>>> > I tried replace po-file from my local copy of git repository to our
>>> po-file
>>> > and build, but LibreOffice builded with old translation.
>>> >
>>> $ cd po/
>>> $ make update-sdf
>>> Then build as usual.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Andras

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