
On Mon, 1 Nov 2010 03:09:30 +0900, Takashi NAKAMOTO 
<bluedw...@bpost.plala.or.jp> wrote:
> Hi Sophie and all,
> Mailing lists for Japanese are still missing. I earnestly ask for at
> least two mail lists for community members who speak Japanese; one for
> announcement, and the other for general dicussion.
Cute idea, anyway a list for the latter purpose like other l10n
projects already have is essential for the time being.

> Several people from Japan have already started to contribute to
> TDF and LibreOffice regarding localization and translation. We're
> currently communicating with each other privately. We want to have
> mailist lists to share our ideas, to intensitvely discuss general
> things with all who are interested in, to smoothly combine our
> indivisual contribusions together and to widely invite those who want
> to work with us.
> As for moderators, I would commmit myself for moderation if needed.
I recommend Takashi for new Japanese language moderator, who should
have great experience through activity for the OOo community and skill
to collaborate with current and potential contributers widely-spread
in Japan. He has both.

-- Takeshi Abe

> Best regards,
>  Takashi Nakamoto
> On Sun, 31 Oct 2010 17:32:23 +0100
> Sophie Gautier <gautier.sop...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> May be you're not all subscribed to the annouce list (but you should
>> be ;-) so I'm passing the info here : Florian has set 13 new language
>> mailing lists. Please find them here :
>> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Local_Mailing_Lists
>> Note that we will need moderators for these lists. If you're language
>> is not there and you need dedicated list, just rise your hand for the
>> next turn :)
>> Kind regards
>> Sophie
>> -- 
>> Founding member of The Document Foundation

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