I'm wondering if this comment in mmu.c:init_kvm_nested_mmu is correct (at
least in the context of Nested EPT):

4055         /*
4056          * Note that arch.mmu.gva_to_gpa translates l2_gva to l1_gpa. The
4057          * translation of l2_gpa to l1_gpa addresses is done using the
4058          * arch.nested_mmu.gva_to_gpa function. Basically the gva_to_gpa
4059          * functions between mmu and nested_mmu are swapped.
4060          */

nested_mmu.get_cr3 gets set to get_cr3, which I believe will return L2's cr3.
In vmx.c:nested_ept_init_mmu_context, mmu.get_cr3 is set to
nested_ept_get_cr3, which should be the root of EPT12. Given these get_cr3
functions, shouldn't nested_mmu.gva_to_gpa translate l2_gva->l2_gpa and
mmu.gva_to_gpa translate l2_gpa->l1_gpa?
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