2015-12-14 16:20-0600, Andrew Jones:
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 10:24:15PM +0100, Radim Krčmář wrote:
>> > skip vmx (0 tests, 0 unexpected failures)
>> > PASS debug (7 tests, 0 unexpected failures)
>> > qemu-kvm: Property '.hv-synic' not found
>> > skip hyperv_synic (failed $(echo quit | $qemu -enable-kvm -cpu 
>> > kvm64,hv_synic -device hyperv-testdev -monitor stdio > /dev/null))
> I'm not sure I like the (summary) addition. A summary of why we skip
> would be useful, like the (i386 only) stuff, but otherwise it doesn't
> seem necessary, and the "(failed $(echo quit | $qemu -enable-kvm -cpu
> kvm64,hv_synic -device hyperv-testdev -monitor stdio > /dev/null))"
> summary is a bit ugly, wrapping on many terminals.

The summary should help to make callers more certain of what happened
without spending time with tests.log.
I'd like the summary more if we didn't print "0 unexpected failures" in
passing/skipped cases, so maybe we can agree on that?

I'll shorten the failed case.

> Another comment that is series wide is that all these changes need to be
> tested with 'make standalone' (and many of your patches will require
> changes to scripts/mkstandalone.sh, for which you will never forgive
> me for having written :-)

First time I heard about it. :)
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