Hi Shannon,

[auto build test ERROR on kvm/linux-next -- if it's inappropriate base, please 
suggest rules for selecting the more suitable base]

config: arm-axm55xx_defconfig (attached as .config)
 -O ~/bin/make.cross
        chmod +x ~/bin/make.cross
        # save the attached .config to linux build tree
        make.cross ARCH=arm 

All errors (new ones prefixed by >>):

   In file included from arch/arm/kvm/arm.c:31:0:
>> include/kvm/arm_pmu.h:22:21: fatal error: asm/pmu.h: No such file or 
>> directory
    #include <asm/pmu.h>
   compilation terminated.

vim +22 include/kvm/arm_pmu.h

219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30  16   */
219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30  17  
219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30  18  #ifndef __ASM_ARM_KVM_PMU_H
219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30  19  #define __ASM_ARM_KVM_PMU_H
219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30  20  
219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30  21  #include <linux/perf_event.h>
219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30 @22  #include <asm/pmu.h>
219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30  23  
219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30  24  struct kvm_pmc {
219856f5 Shannon Zhao 2015-10-30  25    u8 idx;/* index into the pmu->pmc array 

:::::: The code at line 22 was first introduced by commit
:::::: 219856f54d23298fff48e6e20e7e87fc45e42798 KVM: ARM64: Define PMU data 
structure for each vcpu

:::::: TO: Shannon Zhao <shannon.z...@linaro.org>
:::::: CC: 0day robot <fengguang...@intel.com>

0-DAY kernel test infrastructure                Open Source Technology Center
https://lists.01.org/pipermail/kbuild-all                   Intel Corporation

Attachment: .config.gz
Description: Binary data

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