Looking for a set of plans for a early KR2. And a pair of wings. I have a 1977 
"2" that I purchased in '91. In Feb of last year, a 125 year old oak tree fell, 
smashed my shop, and pulled the electric power lines down which set everything 
on fire. Total loss! Spair engine, navcomms, instruments, AN hardware. Over 
half a million in parts and books and all my machines ( drill press, lathe, 
mill, 2 full upright tool boxes full, ect).I'm an A/P that's why so much 
stuff.Wings were in shop for fuel tank maintenance. Shop has been rebuilt, 
getting tools replaced, getting back to normal.Will be willing to buy 
unairworthy "2" for parts if wings in good condition.The plus side of it all 
was that the shop cat, Ralph, got out with out a scratch. Did have a bad case 
of PTSD for about 5 months. He's fine now.Feel free to email direct, call, or 
text me with info.Gary Hinkle. gary19...@verizon.net, 717 580 0809.
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