Right you are, Larry! I would never have started to attempt to build an aircraft without them. There are so many hints and tips -newer amateur builders now call them Hacks- that they don't need to waste their time and materials to figure out. There are sketches of his sub-assembly projects, usually with several different solutions to the problem, like building a heat muff or carb intake.
-----Original Message----- From: KRnet <krnet-boun...@list.krnet.org> On Behalf Of Larry Flesner via KRnet Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2025 7:46 AM To: krnet@list.krnet.org Cc: Larry Flesner <fles...@frontier.com> Subject: KRnet> book sale Anyone building an airplane of any design should own / use the Tony Bingalis set of builder books. I've never seen them cheaper. https://shop.eaa.org/products/bingelis-set-of-four?_pos=5&_sid=19a07bb03&_ss=r Larry Flesner -- KRnet mailing list KRnet@list.krnet.org https://list.krnet.org/mailman/listinfo/krnet -- KRnet mailing list KRnet@list.krnet.org https://list.krnet.org/mailman/listinfo/krnet