
Have you already picked up a day for your zoom meeting on your kr test
experience? I will definitely attend if it's on the 28th, instead of the
29th of September as I will be on TDY to LA that day....

Please let us know, including the instructions to attend?


Dr. Hsu

On Mon, Sep 16, 2024, 7:36 PM Adam Deem via KRnet <>

> KR Community,
> I have undertaken a fairly thorough flight test program and handling
> qualities investigation on my KR2 that I found to be a little bit
> squirrelly compared to other somewhat similar types (Pitts, Extra, C-150
> Aerobat, etc).  Although it was fun to fly in most respects, its
> limitations left me unenthusiastic to fly the KR on pretty great days that
> I would fly most any other airplane.  I found myself only wanting to fly
> the KR on absolutely ideal days; and on other days would find my ability to
> fly to the levels of accuracy and precision that I expect difficult.  My
> goal was use established flight test protocols to determine what the root
> cause was and what could be done to make the airplane more enjoyable and
> useful.
> I had planned to present my findings and options to consider if you find
> similar qualities in your KR at the gathering, but was limited by time and
> weather and unable to attend.
> I would be willing to present my briefing via Zoom on Sept 28 or 29th at
> 20:00 EDT if there are several people interested.  Please let me know if
> you are interested and which day you prefer so I can reserve that time.
> I’m planning on 90 minutes for the presentation and a few questions.  As an
> alternative, I may upload it to YouTube if there is not enough interest as
> I believe the information gained to be valuable to the community.  I think
> an interactive platform would be best, though.  Thank you.
> Adam Deem
> --
> KRnet mailing list
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