Sounds awesome and this type of forum in my opinion is a great way for
those of us who can't participate like we would like to participate.. I
certainly should have come to this year's gathering but once again I was
afraid of work items on the following Monday being a problem if I
didn't stay home all weekend and prepare for Monday. That's my fault as I
have always let myself do this and why I haven't taken a vacation in over
17 years. Nobody to blame but me.

I have it on my calendar with the link.

W Jeff York


On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 1:44 PM Adam Deem via KRnet <>

> Fellow KR Enthusiasts,
> I will be holding a Zoom webinar on Saturday Sept 28th at 8:00PM EDT
> covering the results of my handling qualities flight test program on my
> Corvair powered KR2. The presentation will be technical in nature, but
> focused on the practical application side and not too deep into the
> mathematical side.
> The topics I will cover are:
>  - General aerodynamic concepts related to stability and maneuvering
> flight
>  - KR2 design parameters and variation from design on my KR
> - Flight test procedures and safety
> - Data obtained from the flight test program
> - Potential ideas for design modifications to improve stability at various
> stages from initial  planning through improving a completed and flying
> airplane
>  The presentation will be approximately 90 minutes and I will keep the
> meeting open for about 30 min after for any questions. I’ll plan to record
> the presentation and upload a link to YouTube for those who cannot view it
> live. The link for the meeting is listed below:
> --
> KRnet mailing list
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