You da man... Scott. Glad your airplane is returning to normalThanks for 
    On Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 06:03:37 PM CDT, Jeff Scott via KRnet 
<> wrote:  
 I finally got the RV home today.  The only casualty to the internal soaking 
was the iFly GPS went Tango Uniform.  Oddly enough, that's the one piece of 
electronics that didn't get wet directly.  I've got it drying out in the 
hangar, but the touch screen no longer responds to touch.  I also had a high 
fuel pressure warning on the engine monitor, but my analog gauge indicated all 
was normal.  That was tracked to a "protective" sleeve over the 4 wires from 
the transducer that got wet inside.  As soon as I removed the sleeve, the fuel 
pressure readings returned to normal.  The new radios were fogged over inside 
the display, as were my gyros, but all worked well and have since dried out.  I 
spent this afternoon redesigning and replacing the weatherstrip seals on the 
canopy and the boot cowl access hatch, both of which leaked rather badly.  The 
plane is in the hangar with the canopy open and a fan blowing air around the 
cockpit and up through the panel. I'll post some photos from the ride home on 
the FB site.  Fascinating weather to fly in. -Jeff ScottArkansas Ozarks  Sent: 
Monday, September 16, 2024 at 7:46 PM
From: "Adam Deem via KRnet" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Cc: "Adam Deem" <>
Subject: Re: KRnet> Not home yet...Jeff, I hope all the electronics come out 
okay.  A portable dehumidifier or a few days of airing out in dry weather might 
help, before attempting to smoke check the systems… Adam On Mon, Sep 16, 2024 
at 8:40 PM Jeff Scott via KRnet <> wrote:
Other than Zack, I had the shortest trip home. I got within 15 miles of home 
before I had to turn back and land 50 miles north of home. I made two more 
attempts during the day yesterday before tying the plane down out in the 
weather and calling for a ride home. We had IFR conditions and steady rain for 
36 hours, finally clearing this evening. I'll go retrieve the RV in the 
morning. With all the rain, I discovered a lot of water leaks that I'll need to 
address. In the mean time, I have about $8000 worth of water soaked electronics 
that I sure hope I didn't kill.

Had I have been about 30 minutes earlier, I would have been home.

-Jeff Scott
Arkansas Ozarks

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