Yeah. There was no way I could make it to Mt Vernon in one day without
flying at night. I do not have the required equipment for night VFR so I
ended up landing at Hastings, Nebraska on the first day to sleep.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2024, 08:59 Oscar Zuniga via KRnet <>

> Netters;
> Very interesting and inspiring to read about Chris Pryce's flight to MVN
> for this year's Gathering.  I often sit with SkyVector and a few minutes of
> dreaming time to run some what-ifs and I had run something similar for next
> year in N335KC.  It's roughly equal legs, three fuel stops, but who knows
> how long it might take to fly it from where I am in southern Oregon?
> Medford, OR (KMFR) to Twin Falls, ID (KTWF)- 429 statute miles via
> direct.  Fuel stop #1
> KTWF - Laramie, WY (KLAR)- 461 statute via direct.  Fuel stop #2
> KLAR - Marysville KS (KMYZ) - 486 statute via direct.  Fuel stop #3
> KMYZ - KMVN - 430 statute via direct.
> Total: 1,806 miles.  If the plane could average 130 MPH over the ground
> (ambitious, to be sure), that would be 14 flight hours.  No way I'm
> attempting that all in one day, especially since MVN is two hours ahead of
> Pacific time.  Lifting off at maybe 5 AM here, it would already be 7 AM at
> Mount Vernon and 14 hours plus fuel stops would be out of the question.  As
> Dirty Harry reminded us, "a man's got to know his limitations".
> Oscar Zuniga
> Medford, OR
> KR 1-1/2 N335KC "Sunbeam"
> --
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