Thank you everyone for your response.

My oil pressure line is just a 1/8 plastic for testing purposes on ground
engine run up. For pressure testing.

 Luis thank you. I will take your advice and go with A permanently steel
braided line to an added direct Reading oil pressure gauge in the
instrument panel. At this point, I probably will not worry about whether
the sending unit has to match the HAPPI instrument oil pressure gauge and
probably just put on a generic sending unit and see how that affects the
instrument Reading as a remedy and a back up for dual oil pressure


On Mon, Sep 9, 2024 at 12:33 AM Luis Claudio via KRnet <>

> I am having the same problem on my 2100D. I've had fluctuations on my Oil
> Pressure EMS indicator from a normal (temp) oil pressure of 30PSI dropping
> down to 12PSI which sets off bitching Betty. I connected a mechanical
> pressure gauge on a tee where the oil line comes off the engine, one branch
> of the tee goes to the VDO sending unit mounted on the firewall (braided SS
> line) and the gauge is mounted on the engine coming off of the engine case.
> This is only for testing purposes with the top cowling off..
> The mechanical gauge has recorded pressures as high as 45-50 when the
> engine is cold and 23-30 when engine is at normal temperature (approx.
> 140deg F). On the contrary, I have recorded pressures as low as 12 PSI on
> the EMS during the same test.
> I have replaced my oil pressure sending unit three time. My latest one is
> a VDO unit. The other two previous units were bought on the internet from
> China. My oil line is a SS braided flex line from the engine to a header on
> the fire wall which connects to a test port for a mechanical gauge and a
> secondary port for my sending unit. I was wondering if the line has an air
> pocket in it that acts like a hydraulic hammer and causes the fluctuations.
> My second thought was to rebuild the oil pump.
> Sorry that at this time I have no solution, but I am working on the
> problem.
> Luis
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> <>
> On Sunday, September 8, 2024, 4:25 PM, Larry Flesner via KRnet <
>> wrote:
> On 9/8/2024 10:50 AM, K W via KRnet wrote:
> > Hello to everyone.
> > I have a very erratic oil pressure gauge reading in the cockpit.
> > Installed a connector T at the oil pressure port on my 2100 D and
> > attached a direct reading gauge for verification. Direct reading gauge
> > is very steady oil pressure while cockpit
> >  instrumentation is sporadic fluctuating from 0 to 40. my question,
> > assuming I need to replace the sending unit, does a sending unit have
> > to match the happi gauge or can I buy an off the shelf sending unit?
> >
> > Cheers TIA
> > Keith
> >
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Keith,
> Not seeing a response I'll throw in my non-mechanic opinion.  Buy an off
> the shelf gauge and see if it matches the direct reading test gauge.  I
> can't imagine that it wouldn't.  My only concern is that any gauge used
> have a very tiny orifice in line in case of a leak in the gauge it
> doesn't dump all your oil before you can get down safely.
> Larry Flesner
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