Welcome Chris & Joseph as the latest updates to the [Attendee List] of those joining us at Mt. Vernon September 12-14!
Larry Flesner has done great organizational work pulling together details for the event including a forum event schedule. Chris Collins has checked in the [Pro Shop] order already delivered to the airport. Things are coming together. I am aware of a few people that are still planning to attend not yet on the list. If you are one of those (and even if you're NOT!) please click through to the [Register to Attend] link on the https://krgatheing.net web page. I'll get your name added to the roster. Remember it costs you nothing to attend, to participate and to share in the knowledge exchange that makes this the time and place for KR-specific info and fun. Hope you can make it! John Bouyea / OR81/ Hillsboro, OR N133RM KR-2S - imported, fixed & flying www.bouyea.net/N133RM
-- KRnet mailing list KRnet@list.krnet.org https://list.krnet.org/mailman/listinfo/krnet