If you’re at a Class B or C served airport or under a Mode C/ADSB veil it
is a simple solution to add a universal access transceiver (UAT) to your
existing mode A/C transponder setup (<$2k - Skybeacon, Echo UAT).

If not transponder equipped at all there are some small all-in-one boxes at
reasonable prices (for airplane stuff) out there now (<$3k - Trig, Appareo
Stratus, etc.).  It’s a bit of cost, but worth the freedom and safety it
adds to fly in any airspace.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 2:25 PM MS <propbala...@att.net> wrote:

> I just had a thunderstruck revelation as I'm thinking about this ADS-B
> subject.  Needing ADS-B to fly out of my airport was the killer.   It more
> than anything else is responsible for me not flying once 2020 rolled
> around.  From my airport it would illegal to conduct aviation activities
> without it.  As John Hammerstrand said, "You can leave . . . you just can't
> come back."
> So . . . that's four years or more of time.
> Sparky didn't have ADS-B . . . and he flew.  I guess it's legal as long as
> you do it and nobody complains.  I think Sparky would tell them "Unable"
> and continue on, although he mostly just stayed in the pattern.  I could
> have been doing that too . . .and I *love* pattern work on windy days . .
> . so it's actrually truly been a matter of a lack of "energy and
> enthusiasm" . . . as I used to put it.
> Did I already mention prop bolts?  They need to be checked before running
> the engine.  Prop needs a rebalance at some point.  Check Ed Sterba's
> website for the number he recommends for bolt tension.  I "think" it's 15.
> Don't trust any numbers I come up with though.
> Mike
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