After getting covered in ashes, my friend made a simple ash spreader out of 2 pvc pipes that he tied to the wing strut. One pipe that has holes drilled in it slides inside the larger diameter pipe. Caps on each end and a string to pull it open......
Rich Parker ________________________________ From: KRnet <> on behalf of Mark Langford <> Sent: Friday, August 9, 2024 9:57:53 AM To: Rich Parker via KRnet <> Subject: Re: KRnet> Memorial flight Rich Parker wrote: << I believe Joe is going to deliver the ashes to Mark Langford to bring to the gathering as I am not able to attend. >> Yes, I talked to Joe a few weeks ago, and assured him Dave's ashes would see a lot of KR air time at the KR Gathering. There are a lot of KRs at the Gathering, and some fly a LOT, so hopefully we can have him clocking lots of KR hours. After the Gathering, I'll spread them around somewhere appropriate, given that the Swift has "slide down" windows, unless somebody at the Gathering has a KR that has that capability. I haven't received them yet, but I'll ping him again as a reminder. Mark Langford<> Huntsville, AL
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