I put an O200 in my little KR and I actually should've done it in the very beginning. The fuel burn was just a little bit more but the dependability and how fast it would fly. Made it well worth my time I did not have problem with overheating. Anything like that and I live in Texas. I went from 120 kn to 140 kn by changing that engine I've never heard of an O200 not making 100 horse.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 31, 2024, at 11:15 AM, Jeff York via KRnet <krnet@list.krnet.org> wrote:

Very interesting. I seem to recall that the 0-200 actually only produced around 80hp. So even if it was 100hp to increase that 140% in only 200 cubic inches seems pretty impressive. My comments are all curiosity. I'm currently making significant changes to my GPAS 2180 that will leave very little of it GPAS. Mostly just to correct my displeasure with the heads, being a single spark plug ignition, a Zenith carb that I have never liked and doesn't have a realistic ability to adjust the mixture, the exhaust and so on. Yes, you can ding me for putting too much effort and money into an already stroked and bored 1600 to 2180. But, I am curious what compression you set your 0-200 up for and if you will have to deal with higher operating temps ? 

I recently built a BBC 454 of 255 hp into a 496 of 600 hp and it makes me think of the challenges of doing so with a limited rpm air cooled motor. Many of the challenges I faced like increased operating temperatures, ignition challenges, correct spark plugs, AF ratios..carburation, necessary exhaust tuning ? changes,  pump gas and so on are far easier solved in a street engine with so many available aftermarket parts and far easier testing. By the way, I also did this based on a nearly identical rpm range as an aircraft engine. 1,500 to 3,700 rpm. Agin, understand my thoughts are not based on doubts or criticism, I am simply laying out my thoughts on what I think are your challenges and I am anxious to see what challenges you may have that are similar and how you overcame them. I could possibly learn from yours and how they may apply toward my KR2 engine rebuild / redo. 

As an FYI in my 2180. What started out as checking my 2180 and pulling the heads because I had one cylinder compression that was not bad but lower than the other three, turned into what I thought was going to be a rebuild when I discovered the cracks between the spark plug hole and exhaust port ( as I recall, may have been intake) and I decided even thought the shop said they could fix them, I decided to give Joe a call as Revmaster and one thing lead to another.... and another and another. 

Good luck on this and I hope you read this with the appreciation of my constructive curiosity. I want to read more about your journey. 

Jeff York
Georgetown Scott County Airport
no longer in Lexington, now living on my horse farm in Estill County Kentucky

On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 11:12 AM G R Pickett via KRnet <krnet@list.krnet.org> wrote:


If that’s not Photoshopped, he just increased his HP to 140!  Better hang on, and be ready for a fuel burn of 6.8- 10.5 gph.  I think you had 21 gallons?


As an example, a buddy & I flew his 150 to KRAW this week, to break down my O-200 for a rebuild.  He made me weigh myself and flite bag, then drained fuel to 14 gallons for the trip.  Not that bad, it was only 80 miles.  But he climbed to 5500 to make it, right into a 25 kt headwind!  After plodding along at 59 knots, I suggested he drop down to 3500, where the headwind was only 18.  Sheesh, newbies.!  He also requested flight following.


So, my concern with this upgrade is range.  And don’t forget, the KR2 was group-redlined at about 200 mph.  On the other hand, 211LF should climb out of those short strips with a mountain at the end, though.


Anyway, let me get my headphones, and let’s go fly it!





From: KRnet <krnet-boun...@list.krnet.org> On Behalf Of Larry Flesner via KRnet
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 7:57 AM
To: krnet@list.krnet.org
Cc: Larry Flesner <fles...@frontier.com>
Subject: KRnet> engine work



Recent engine work on 211LF.  Any guess on what the cruise speed will be now?

Larry Flesner


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