I'll pile on with a story...


I normally like to cruise at 10-11k so that I have more time to plan for an 
emergency descent.

Earlier on in my flying experience, I miscalculated a descent to a fuel stop in 
MS on the way back to KCHA from Dallas and the last 4k feet or so was a pretty 
aggressive descent.  We learned that my son is very sensitive to 
altitude/pressure changes that day.  Since then, we have carried chewing gum in 
the plane as a safety precaution.

Actual story:

On our return trip to KCHA from Oshkosh one year, we were crossing the KY/TN 
state line on flight following with Memphis center.  Seeing some cloud cover at 
our altitude ahead, I decided to descend to a lower altitude in order to stay 
under them and maintain VFR.  I informed Memphis center of our intentions and 
then told my son, "start chewing your gum!" as I was reconfiguring the aircraft 
for the descent.  I didn't realize that I had pressed the TX button a second 
time until I heard another pilot chirp back, "ok!"

The kids were amused.



----- Original Message -----
> From: "Larry Flesner via KRnet" <krnet@list.krnet.org>
> To: "krnet" <krnet@list.krnet.org>
> Cc: "Larry Flesner" <fles...@frontier.com>
> Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:48:30 AM
> Subject: Re: KRnet> funny pilot story

> On 11/1/2023 11:32 PM, John Gotschall via KRnet wrote:
>> This happened when I answered a question on quora.
>> jg
>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Great story.  We've all done things while piloting  that we fortunately
> survived before we added the word "unable" to our flying vocabulary.
> 50+ years ago I made a 120 mile cross-country flight to take the check
> ride for my Private ticket.  On the trip home with the ink still wet on
> my new certificate I spotted a column of smoke rising thousands of feet
> above a rice field being burnt off.    I thought, hey, I'm going to pop
> right through that column of smoke. It weather was warm and the vents on
> that little C150 were open to the max.  That column of smoke turned out
> to be one mile wide.  I think you can imagine the rest of the story.
> Larry Flesner
> --
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