Hi guys
Had some unexpected teething problems so far
To start with, before first flight, the Rotec TBI gave nothing but trouble, 
running too lean and cutting out about 3/4 throttle. 
Modified a few times by Rotec, finally got to WOT , then cuts out, but they 
refused to test run it at WOT( see their web page, on how they test them , 
think very hard before buying a new  one. They refused to refund my money, that 
wasted months. 

So purchased and fitted the Correct 0200 carburettor,$$$$$  fixed the running 

Then running hot, so, more time taken to modify cowl inlets from 3 inch to 5 
inches. That was fun cutting up a beautifully finished cowl, but fixed the 
temps so far. But not summer yet??? Will Finishing off cowl painting after 
testing is finished. 

Then, the prop 60 x 70 was too much for the engine, low RPM. static 2100 , WOT 
2400 , no were near the specifications of 2750. So flying has been a bit 
restricted. Unable to borrow a lower pitch  prop to try. Waiting on a new prop 
59 x 68 $$$$$$ 

Then after about 7 hours the left mag failed, so they had to be sent away. 
Found out both unserviceable, so had to order new ones. $$$$$ That fixed that 
problem, More lost flying time

Now only have 11.5 hours on clock 
Next minor prop, when I built her I,  placed two thin ply packing shims under 
rear HS rear spar ( -3 deg) as discussed on the KR net. 
Had to use too much forward trim, so removed one shim a few days ago, seems 
better , but weather has been so windy and rough, test flying is very 

Hope the new prop from Nee Zealand  arrives soon, and proper testing can start, 
( if weather allows) this is my first tailwheel aircraft. But it handles great 
on the ground, and  still in one piece so far.  Testing Can only get better. 
To be continued 

Phil matheson 
KR2Ss- continental 0200. 

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