Craig, With regard to flying into Oshkosh, don't let that worry you too much. I have done if many times, yes it is stressful, but not unmanageable.
I would recommend you just avoid high traffic time frames such as Sunday morning the day before Osh starts - it is the worst. Try to fly in a couple days before if you can. Read the Notam and understand it before you fly in. Call the weather ASOS from your airport before you fly to the entry point, so you know the current runways in use. Watch a couple YouTube videos, they help with the perspective. I am planning to fly up pretty early, on Tuesday July 19th. The Notam won't be in effect yet, so I just have to do regular procedures for arrival. Thanks, Rob Schmitt N1852Z -----Original Message----- From: KRnet <> On Behalf Of Craig Williams Sent: Monday, June 27, 2022 8:23 PM To: KRnet <> Subject: KRnet> Oshkosh arrival So taxi test today was successful. Still on the fence about the tailwheel steering. It's hooked up with springs but it seemed very anemic. On the up side the differential braking was wonderful. Love the new Grove disc brakes. I guess after I fly it a few times I'll make a decision. ANYWHO, tomorrow is my last day before the condition inspection. No way I will be done as I still need to make the entry door but I will at least have a final list. With that said I expect to be flying this thing in the next 10 days so if all goes as planned I will be at Oshkosh with the "deer slayer". Anyone want to meetup at Freeport and fly formation into Oshkosh. Never flown to EAA and I am a bit intimidated by the prospect. Craig N51CW -- KRnet mailing list -- KRnet mailing list