Well I just got my final diagnosis, it's Multiple Myeloma and they've
started  treatment. It's not fatal if treated properly.

On Mon, May 9, 2022, 10:50 AM <k...@bouyea.net> wrote:

> The only way I can describe the instruments placement on the panel since
> getting the airplane flying again is “evolution.”
> When 133RM came out of the shipping container, it had a LORAN, a CDI not
> hooked to anything, 2 compasses and a radium-faced altimeter & G-meter.
> http://www.bouyea.net/cur_proj/N133RM/FullPanel_t.JPG Those all had to
> go! http://www.bouyea.net/cur_proj/N133RM/PanelGutted-R_small.JPG
> With my prior KR flying experience (and the tales of 3RM requiring high
> landing speeds) I wanted AOA. [By the way, I cannot verify the tales of
> squirrely handling and high required speeds…] A Dynon D10A took care of the
> AOA, G-meter & altimeter requirements. Plus a whole lot more. I swapped the
> LORAN for a Garmin GPS150XL and fed that into the Dynon. As long as I was
> doing all that, moving instruments and gauges around the panel allowed
> grouping the engine gauges. They ended up directly above the engine
> controls; throttle, mixture & carb heat. And that meant the only place for
> the backup “steam gauge” altimeter was the far right side. Over the first
> 110 hours or so, it’s worked just fine. Viewing the backup altimeter is,
> well, secondary and I can read it to 40”+/- I expect. I think that’s close
> enough for a backup. Eventually I added the autopilot capability of the
> Dynon D10A.
> http://www.bouyea.net/cur_proj/N133RM/DynonInstallCompleted.jpg
> And going full circle to bring this thread back to the beginning, I just
> swapped the D10A for the D100.
> Now it’s on to replacing the canvas sling seats. And yes, I know I
> shouldn’t seek a post-retirement career in sewing!
> John Bouyea
> N133RM KR-2S – imported, fixed & flying
> www.bouyea.net/cur_proj/N133RM
> OR81/ Hillsboro, OR
> *Subject:* Re: KRnet> Pretty quiet out there..Panel.
>  I see that you have a altimeter all the way to the right.  Just wondering
> if you look that far over and if you can read it accurately.
> Joe Horton,
> I noticed that too.  I just assumed the altimeter was an after thought.
> Roy looked at the panel one day and said "hey, I don't have an altimeter".
> Larry Flesner
> --
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