>From a low time and now rusty pilot/A&P who's majority of experience was in 
>flight training. My understanding of the importance of true airspeed is in the 
>area of stall speed and VNE speed. Ignore true airspeed on the low end and you 
>may fall out of the sky. Ignore true airspeed on the high end and you may 
>exceed the structural limits of the airframe.
Edward Spyker 

    On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 10:19:44 AM CDT, k...@bouyea.net 
<k...@bouyea.net> wrote:  

-----Original Message-----
I'm still curious about the interest in "true airspeed" and maybe the wind 
speed in 
direction and speed.  True airspeed to me is a campfire chat bragging 
issue (I've never use it to fly) and unless the wind information gives 
me a heading to fly that is not available otherwise (my magenta line and 
track and bearing), that info is also screen clutter.  

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