Luis Claudio: please say again the weight of the TQ Aviation xpdr-? If it was $1413 for that little weight, it's getting up into the price of gold per ounce ;o)
As a no electrics/nordo airplane pilot, I don't much concern myself with avionics, but I do watch prices and capabilities since the day will eventually come when Big Daddy wants to know where everybody is in the airspace, all the time, and I may have to bite the bullet. I'm thinking that will be after I'm pushing up daisies though. I think I'll pull the battery off my 121.5 Mhz ELT10 and have the transmitter and my E6B flight computer cremated along with my room-temperature body, too. Maybe have all my old paper sectional and WAC charts piled under me to get the fire started. Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC, A75 power ________________________________ -Please see LIST RULES and KRnet info at -Change list delivery options at Affinity List Info Board -Search recent KRnet Archives at -Search John Bouyea's decades of archive at