I received the unit and the GPS/antenna/receiver. I am in the process of 
building the harnesses so that I can integrate them into my avionics solution. 
I love the KTX2 Transponder for its super small size package. In addition, the 
antenna/receiver solves my GPS serial output for my Dynon Autopilot for 
tracking my flight plans. Overall, this setup solves more than just the ADSB 
problems for me. 

Luis R Claudio, KR2S N8981S, Dallas Texas
    On Thursday, September 30, 2021, 09:15:13 AM CDT, Brett Lombardi 
<> wrote:  
 Hi Luis,
I'm very interested to learn about your experience with your Mode S
ADSB-out transponder by TQ Aviation (at Gulf Coast Avionics) for $1412 and
the Sky Fyx GPS antenna/receiver for $475. I am also looking for an ADSB
solution for my KR2S.
Brett Lombardi

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 11:18 PM Luis Claudio via KRnet <> wrote:

> I was searching for a small footprint ADS-B solution for my KR and I think
> that I have hit on one of the least expensive solutions possible that
> address several of my search criteria. I was looking for a mode S ADS-B
> compliant transponder coupled to a WASS compliant GPS/receiver all for the
> least amount of money possible (the frugality is mandated by the KR frugal
> community).
> I had my eyes set on the Echouat ADS-B coupled to the SKY-Fyx GPS solution
> since combination along with my existing Garmin Xponder would have solved
> my problem except that the transponder was a full-size box that did not fit
> properly in my panel. This transponder is approx 9"+ deep and my main fuel
> tank barely offers me 9" behind the panel. I then turned to Microair,
> Sandia, Trig, and a few others but the cost was just a little out of my
> price range. I found a couple of used units on eBay but I lost the bidding
> wars to other more skilled buyers, barnstormers offered no solutions.
> I finally found a brand new Mode S ADSB-out transponder by TQ Aviation (at
> Gulf Coast Avionics) for $1412 and the Sky Fyx GPS antenna/receiver ($475).
> This unit is 2020 compliant, is a 2 1/4" mount with a depth of only 5".
> Total weight for this unit is only .8 lbs. It is inbound to my house as we
> speak. I can't wait to get my hands on this puppy and see if this solution
> is a healthy solution for the KR...
> Remember, keep building... until next September at Mount Vernon...
> Luis R Claudio, KR2S, N8981S Dallas, Texas
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