PLEASE use extreme caution when testing your flyable weight limits. We lost a 
good friend (SteveJones) and KR pilot who was testing his weight limit by 
placing sand bags in the passenger seat. Steve was turning to land in Florida 
and was over the water when he lost control and went in the water. 
Unfortunately he did not survive. There was no indication that he had secured 
the sand bags and one speculation was that the weight shifted on him putting 
him in an “out of controllable CG scenario “.  So again, please be careful and 
secure your test weight in the seat. 

Mark Jones
Oldsmar, Fl

N771MJ  “WunderBird”

I decided to test and
> expand that range with moveable weights. I've successfully tested my range
> to 6.75 inches aft using 100 lbs of rocks in the seat and 30 pounds of
> weights that I took off with in front of the spar and then moved to behind
> the rear spar. This gave me an opportunity to take off in a known stable CG
> and then test it farther aft at a safe altitude. 
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