I had re-tracks with the original cable breaks. They worked well enough. I went 
in and out a 2000 foot strip all the time. Course it was grass so that helps 
too. But I found out that if you put a fixed gear with disk breaks and wheel 
pants the airplane is actually faster. Y'all worrying about things you really 
don't need to worry about. If I were you I would worry about the power plant 
installed on the front of the airplane.  I enjoyed my car for quite a while. 
Went through about five Volkswagen engines and finally I installed An O-200 and 
that was the best thing I ever did. I never could get brakes to hold the 
airplane at full throttle. I have an airplane with an 0-360 and above 2500 RPM 
it won't hold either. Course it's a 1947 model but it does have Cleveland 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 11, 2021, at 9:21 AM, Dr. Feng Hsu via KRnet <krnet@list.krnet.org> 
> wrote:
> That's good to know Chad! However, can you tell us if you have been flying
> your KR2 without any issues or serious safety concerns and that you are
> happy with the original KR2 design, including the selection of cable
> activated breaks? Do you have trouble to stop the bird from moving when you
> are doing engine runups every time and hold short right next to the runway?
> Do you actually retract your landing gear when you fly the bird and what's
> your normal or max speed with or without your gear retracted in the air? I
> believe yours is also a taildragger correct, as I believe it was part of
> the original KR2 design, perhaps?!
> Thank you for your encouraging testimony on the KR2's original
> configuration!
> Stay safe and fly high!
> Dr. Hsu
>> On Wed, Feb 10, 2021, 7:20 PM Chad Robertson via KRnet <krnet@list.krnet.org>
>> wrote:
>> I am not sure but I believe that mine is also a original KR 2   I am new
>> to the KR world and mine is also a 1984 model with retractable gear and
>> cable brakes
>> Sent from my iPhone. N6GM
>>> On Feb 10, 2021, at 3:10 PM, Lee Van Dyke via KRnet <
>> krnet@list.krnet.org> wrote:
>>> In response to your last question, who flies a KR2 like yours.....I do
>> original KR2 with retracts and cable brakes build in 1984
>>> Lee Van Dyke
>>>> On Feb 5, 2021, at 3:05 PM, Dr. Feng Hsu via KRnet <
>> krnet@list.krnet.org> wrote:
>>>> Thank you Mr. Colin for your very encouraging post commenting about
>> the KR2
>>>> original design. Honestly, I need such post like yours to help keeping
>> my
>>>> dream alive for getting my KR2 off the ground someday! I was thinking
>> about
>>>> giving it up on my dreams to actually fly the bird after described my
>> KR2
>>>> issues and get no encouraging response on the original design with my
>> type
>>>> of configuration, especially for a cable activated break and taildragger
>>>> with attractable main gear that is extremely hard to operate....
>>>> Does anyone know whom Larry Geiger is? Your video about his KR2 won the
>>>> 1993 KR2 of the year is a huge boost on my confidence about the KR2
>>>> original design. My KR2 looks almost identical to his except not suring
>>>> about his break? My breaks and retractable wheels look almost
>> identical, so
>>>> I would assume that Larry Geiger's KR2 in the video was also equipped
>> with
>>>> a cable break, such as in the original design, perhaps?
>>>> Another video provided in your link was a maiden flight of a KR2 with my
>>>> type of design, but the video scared me a heck of a lot when watching
>> the
>>>> guy (your friend?) almost lost control on his first take off...?!
>>>> You also mentioned a number of times about nothing wrong with the
>> standard
>>>> KR2 design. However, I am not sure what was exactly the standard KR2
>> design
>>>> by Ken Rand? Was it also called the original KR2 design with the same
>> type
>>>> of configuration like my bird (such as retractable main gear with cable
>>>> break system, taildragger with a speed break board in the belly)?
>>>> Am still looking to find out if anyone on the planet who still owns and
>>>> flies the type of KR2 like mine, especially here in the US?!
>>>> Kindly,
>>>> Dr. Hsu
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 4, 2021, 9:46 AM colin hales via KRnet <
>> krnet@list.krnet.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I've read lots about stability and landing.
>>>>> I have a stock KR2. It's fine!!!!
>>>>> You don't need to extend the fuselage length or put a bigger tailplane
>> on
>>>>> to make it more stable. Those people who say there KR" is unstable
>> haven't
>>>>> got it set up right with respect to the C of G. Just make sure your C
>> of G
>>>>> is correct. A bigger tailplane means probably a bigger elevator,
>> overall
>>>>> affect of both is a more stable aircraft until you move the larger,
>> more
>>>>> powerful elevator. So now you need a smaller elevator, but then you
>> won't
>>>>> have such an agile aircraft.  It's all a waste of time and effort.
>>>>> If you lengthen the fuselage, yes you get a more stable aircraft until
>> you
>>>>> move either rudder or elevator. Don't forget pitch or yaw control is a
>>>>> function of forces and length which can be exchanged for torque. More
>>>>> length more torque, overall affect of lengthening fuselage. Nothing
>> but a
>>>>> waste of time and effort. Yes its more stable until you touch the
>> controls,
>>>>> then the fact they are further from the centre of pressure makes them
>> more
>>>>> powerful or the aircraft is just as light and twitchy.
>> its
>>>>> not broken, don't try to fix it.
>>>>> As for landing, its easy. Just fly along the runway in a slowly
>> descending
>>>>> attitude, no flare or faffing or pilot induced oscillation, PIO. When
>> the
>>>>> wheels touch, stick forward to keep the plane on the ground and close
>> the
>>>>> throttle and wait for the tail to touch down.
>>>>> The biggest problem with the KR2 is you have to finish it, I bet 90%
>> that
>>>>> get started never get finished.
>>>>> So don't worry about modifications or re-inventing the wheel, pitch
>>>>> sensitivity or flying or landing, just worry about finishing it,
>> because
>>>>> most people won't ever finish the poor plane, but will sell it on
>> again to
>>>>> the next person who will want to modify it and re-invent the standard
>> KR2
>>>>> design when there is nothing wrong with it, except from what they may
>> have
>>>>> heard from someone who has zero flying experience of flying a Kr2 or
>> from
>>>>> some bloke down the pub or flying club. I've got over 1,000 hours in
>> three
>>>>> standard KR2's and they are fine...
>>>>> Final information for the day. Brakes. Trust me, you need the best
>> brakes
>>>>> you can get. When its all going a bit wrong, wishing you had fitted
>> better
>>>>> brakes won't be of much help.
>>>>> For examples of how to land a KR2 watch these or loads of other videos
>> on
>>>>> youtube.
>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSJXKZhHkfQ
>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FJuTyf2sJc
>>>>> maiden flight of a friends KR2.
>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omBs9lCkBLI
>>>>> [
>> https://ipmcdn.avast.com/images/icons/icon-envelope-tick-green-avg-v1.png
>>>>> ]<
>> http://www.avg.com/email-signature?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail
>>>>> Virus-free. www.avg.com<
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