Samuel Ajayi  wrote:

>> I know some of you have used the Trymer product. What is the general consensus. Seems to be cheaper than anything Wicks or Aircraft Spruce is offering. Anything to be cautious about?<<

I was hoping somebody with better experience would answer this, but if you saw input from somebody that it worked OK for them, that'd be good enough for me. I'm sure there's a wide range of properties of urethane foam, some of which is completely unusable. When I built N56ML, I bought standard building urethane foam from a company that made it in Nashville. They had a 4' x 8' x 2' deep mold that they sprayed (while mixing) the two parts to make a "loaf"....complete with a big head on it as it grew, then ran it through a big vertical band saw to slice it to thickness. They'd make it what ever thickness you ordered. I bought all my foam from these guys and made one trip to Nashville in a borrowed pickup truck to get it all. It was very cheap, and best I could tell, was identical to what AS&S and Wicks was selling. I've seen and used a large variety of colors, usually yellow, tan, brown, or pink, but sometimes green as well. You might try building insulation establishments nearby. Nowadays there are inexpensive DIY spray kits that may make sense in some places on the plane, but flat panels are probably best from a weight standpoint.

Even styrofoam from Home Depot works, if you get the right kind. It's just a lot harder (and therefore slower) to sand, and one thing that drives me crazy about it is that sanding it generates a static charge, and you wear half of it around for the rest of the day, as well as spreading it all over the place. Best strategy would buy a minimal sample and give it a try, if that's an option....

Mark Langford
Huntsville, AL

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