
I am sure that all KR builders appreciate your staying tuned in to this issue, 
I know that I do.  I remember how the EAA treated (mis-treated) the 
acknowledgement of the KR at the 25 anniversary in Oshkosh.  It was shameful 
and embarrassing to me, at that time.

My Panther Building Documentation at

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-----Original Message-----

>> I received my "on-line" copy of Sport Aviation today and briefly read 
>> part of an article titled "Revolutionary Homebuilts".  I was 
>> disappointed to again find the KR  a forgotten fact of history.  I 
>> immediately posted a letter to the editor as I have copied below.
>> Larry Flesner
>> To the Editor,
>> Glancing through the latest on-line issue of Sport Aviation I stopped 
>> to read a portion of the "Landmark Homebuilts" article.  I soon 
>> realized that the lowly KR series was again the forgotten stepchild 
>> in homebuilt aviation.  On page 81 Burt Rutan is credited with 
>> "revolutionary thinking" when using surfboard technology of "foam and 
>> fiberglass construction".  While Mr. Rutan is probably one of the 
>> most "revolutionary designers" in the homebuilt arena,  he was not 
>> the first to use "foam and fiberglass construction".  It seems to be 
>> a forgotten fact of history that Ken Rand arrived at Oshkosh in 1972 
>> with the KR 1 and two years later with the KR2, both using foam and 
>> fiberglass construction. They both predated the VariEze, the KR1 by 
>> nearly 3 years.  Mr. Rutan didn't introduce composite construction to 
>> the homebuilt community as stated in the article, Ken Rand and Stu 
>> Robinson did with the KR design.  I seem to recall that the Lancair 
>> series aircraft were designed by an early KR2 builder.

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