Parley mentions "(G)round effect" - the often-experienced phenomenon resulting from the downward deflection of airflow over a wing. Downward-deflected airflow does happen and in this case it can have significant effect on our landing technique.

Aerodynamicists use both surfaces of an airfoil to get what they want. This is seen on the "New" AS50** airfoils designed for the KR-2. As we know, these are laminar flow airfoils intended to generate less drag than the older airfoil, and the way it is achieved is by maximizing the "laminar run" over the forward portion of the airfoil. The air is not accelerated much, not asked to do too much too soon, keeping its local pressure as high as possible for as long as possible over the surface of the wing. If the velocity increases beyond a certain point, the pressure drop makes the flow more likely to "trip" to turbulent resulting in increased drag. So this means that the forward part of the airfoil is not generating much lift at all. Most of it happens in the aft portion of the airfoil, past where it starts to thin, my eyeball guesstimate is from about the 45% point aft. If you follow the top surface, it drops away around the 60%-65% point, and then rises again at about 85%. I suspect that is for pressure recovery, which results in less drag  than if the surface followed a more parabolic curve. The bottom surface has a cusp that intersects the chord line at about 95% and then diverges again, below the chord line. That's where the airflow along the bottom surface is deflected downward, and where much of the lift created by the airfoil's bottom surface comes from. And Ashok is an aerodynamicist - shouldn't he know better about that bottom surface business? That's a joke. My point is that all the stuff we have discussed is always in play when an airplane is flying, and to try to separate or rank certain characteristics, or components such as one airfoil surface over the other, is not always simple. My $.02.

Many gliders have airfoils that look similar to the AS50** airfoils, and the intention is that they work the same way. They exhibit low drag at higher speeds and good lift at low speeds, relatively high pitching moments due to the center of lift well back from the 25% chord, and sometimes stiff aileron feel due to them being aerodynamically loaded on the bottom surface at all airspeeds. I'd be interested to hear from anybody in the KR community who has flown new and old airfoils on the same fuselage or new and old on airplanes with similar powerplants & weights re: difference in aileron feel.

Chris K

On 4/23/2019 8:58 AM, Parley T Byington via KRnet wrote:
For all those who do NOT believe in the Bernoulli theory, I would suggest you 
try this simple experiment:  take an ordinary teaspoon and dangle it from the 
handle so that the curved surface just comes in contact with a stream of 
running water and watch what happens.  Yes water is much more dense than air 
but the principle is the same with a airfoil.  The difference is that the 
median that it is traveling through, air versus water, is much thinner and 
therefor has to be moving faster to achieve the equivalent force.

Yes there is some lift created due to the angle of incidence and the resulting 
downward deflection (this is one of the causes of what is called “ ROUND 
EFFECT”) of air produced due to the forward movement of said airfoil through 
that median BUT the vast majority of the lift created is due to the 
differential in air pressure that is created due to Bernoulli’s theory.

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