Shameless plug,

I'm working on a MS WinRT based solution, hoping to have it in the MS App
store by April, looking to Demo it at Sun-n-Fun.

The benifits are many on the MS platform, one USB and more connection
options to devices.

I would love to have some beta testers once I get to that stage so if
interested please contact me.


On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 9:26 PM, <> wrote:

> OK this just got REAL!
> X-Vision and Xavion are at the App-Store now!
> X-Vision is just $49.99, and gives a GPS/gyro-based backup of every
> instrument in the standard-six panel in a REAL airplane!
> As well, it gives you a perfectly-funtional synthetic vision system.
> SO, if you want a simple app for your iPad or iPHONE (!!!) that shows a
> backup for every one of your primary-six instruments in the panel in a real
> airplane, I think this is the app to get.
> I priced it to be easy, and if your instruments poop out in flight
> (imagine it happening in night or IFR!) you got a nice big backup on your
> iPad, or even a teeny one on your PHONE!
> The really impressive App, though, at $99, is Xavion.
> Xavion has everything X-Vsion does, plug an incredible new idea: 3-D
> guidance to the best runway to land on in the event of engine failure!
> Xavion is always running flight simulations of a power-off glide to every
> runway in gliding range, and scoring each outcome based on it's likelihood
> of success.
> Then, Xavion shows you the path that had the HIGHEST score as a series of
> hoops in 3-D on the synthetic vision display.
> If the engine ever fails (or you just want to get down to the biggest
> runway in gliding range), just hit the panic button in Xavion and aim your
> airplane through the hoops! They will lead to the best runway within
> gliding range that Xavion thinks you can reach, at a constant descent angle
> equal to a nominal power-off glide angle for your airplane at power-off,
> half-flaps. (We use half flaps so you can retract the flaps to stretch your
> glide if needed due to winds or thermals. As well, you can lower your flaps
> the rest of the way if you have a tailwind. Coming down at 50% flaps gives
> the most margin for error, since you can raise or lower them from there to
> stay on the planned glide path as winds or other conditions change).
> As well, Xavion watches your every take-off, and memorizes the distance
> you typically take to get airborne.
> Then, whenever you line up on a runway, Xavion looks at the runway
> distance in front of you (from it's huge airport database) and tells you
> what percentage of the runway you are likely to use!
> And Xavion does currency, trip planning, and weight and balance.
> So, Xavion is trying to be an A-I copilot that lives on your iPad, helping
> you out in every way that it can. As well, Xavion can run on an iPhone 4 or
> 5, so in a pinch you can even run it on your phone if you are already using
> your iPad for foreflight and want to keep that app running all during the
> flight.
> So, this is a fascinating moment in time: We are starting to see portable
> avionics that run on our iPads, and use at lest a primitive A-I to try to
> help you out.. and this is only the beginning!
> austin
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Jose Fuentes
Founding Father (one of and former Vice Prez) of Capital City.NET User's
Former Microsoft MVP

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