Our Stinson 108/2 burns 45 litres and hour at @ $2.14 per litre. That's real $100.00 burger. Can not wait for my KR100 project to be done.....still along way to go, but wroth it.
Brian Deveson Bundaberg Qld Australia =========================================================================================================== Come on Robert let's be realistic on what it costs to fly our KR's. By my record keeping fuel is only about 30% of my cost, Hangar is 50% and I only pay 1/2 of our "T" hangar rent, liability insurance is 13% (it took a big drop this year), incidentals (oil, filters, elt batteries, tires, brake pads, etc) make up the remainder. All told over the last 6 years I've averaged @ $60.00/flying hour. Notice I didn't include depreciation on original build cost. If I were to include that and the $10 bucks for food it would really scare that $100 bill. It's still cheaper than renting and OH such much more fun!! Rick Human N202RH Houston, Tx