I can do the workshop in Frederick (KFDK) in January.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA


Ok, if we want to have a builders workshop I can host one in Frederick 
(KFDK) MD.  I have no idea how many folks could attend so lets get a showing 
of hands (emails) if this is an acceptable location  My thought was to build 
a wing because I have a plane ready for wings but the workshop can cover 
other things too.  If you have specific needs lets get them out on the 
table.  If it can't be done in the first workshop then we will have another 
and another.  Dates are flexible.  With the holidays coming my thought is to 
wait until January (workspace is heated).  I also anticipate a small fee 
($30) to cover  lunch on both days and lots of coffee  and maybe other 
refreshments as needed (January is cold).  I also want to catch the main 
points of the processes on film to be edited and put on a KR builders 
channel on Youtube.



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