Folks, At the forum on Technology, I rambled off lots of stuff with no visual aids, nor any advance preparation.
Here are a couple of links for material that I referenced that has not been posted of late., 6 month flight track. IFR and VFR flight following. Tell family when you fly and they can follow you. msg to FBO and computes most efficient altitude based on winds, will file your flight plan for you. If IFR, then you can set it up so you will get an email MSG of clearance 2 hrs before flight. Saves your aircraft performance profile and standard flight plan info. Anywhere map for Windows, special purpose, Android and IPAD EFBs. IPAD price is cheap! Approach plate toggle, $80 bucks incl 1 year data Fuel stop planner for flight cheetah EFB When you select an approach, asks for IAP, then loads all other fixes into flight plan and displays step down fix altitudes. Hint: Cell communication in flight works best with text msg, not call, nor email. Bonus hint : When en route and on flight following and getting passed from one controller to the next, sometimes you will be beyond the range of your receiver unless the squelch is on. So before you talk on the a frequency, verify that you can hear the new controller, or else turn up the squelch until you can verify that you can hear without squelch. Doug Steen