KR Gatherers,

I just flew into St. Louis on business and the only available vehicles were 
Dodge Minivans. So I am taking this as a sign of divine intervention and 
letting everyone know that I am staying at the Holliday Inn, will be arriving 
Friday around noon and will be going back and forth to the hotel each day. If 
you need a lift contact me off net and we can discuss the particulars. I am 
planning on being at the gathering as much as possible so early departure and 
late return will be the norm.

Stephen Teate
Regional Sales Manager
Composite Cooling Solutions, L.P.
4150 International Plaza, Suite 500
Fort Worth, Texas 76109
Fax: 817-246-8717
Direct: 817-708-9140
Cell: 817-727-2648
Main: 817-246-8700

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