Dear Larry,
i'm a KR builder living in Italy, my KR 2 I-JEMP is still in perfect 
condition after 20 years and over 400 hours of flying over my country and 
several european country to meet friends at Homebuilder fly-inn.
I'm the vice-president of the Chapter 459, Club Aviazione Popolare, the 
italian association of homebuilders.
This year, on september 15 & 16,we celebrate the 40th fly-inn of our 
association, and because we have several KR 2 flying and under contruction, 
we will like to celebrate the 40th of KR like your Gatering.
We are planning to invite other KR builder coming from other contries of 
Europe, as our contribute to the genius of Ken Rand.
We will like to purchase some shirts you are planning to produce, is it 
Many tanks.
Franco Bucci

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2012 06:37:45 -0500
From: Larry&Sallie Flesner <>
Subject: KR> Gathering shirts / hats
To: KRnet <>
Message-ID: <c8f534$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

In a post a week or so back I indicated I had ordered shirts.  I
received several e-mails asking if it is now too late to order a hat
/ shirt.  The answer is NO, IT'S NOT TOO LATE.  Just go to the
Gathering web page  and go to the "registration"
page, register, and place your order.  The cutoff date will probably
be early September.   I hope to have a photo of this years shirts /
hats in the near future.  They are the same blue denim shirts that
were a hit back in 2009.  Cost should be under $25 / shirt.

Larry Flesner

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