I have been having trouble with latching my canopy shut, for some time now. When leaving for Fernandina, yesterday, it was even more difficult to get it latched. Then when getting ready to take the runway for departure from Fernandina, I could not get it to latch at all and had to return to the ramp for help. Brian pushed on it from the outside and it latched.
After getting home, it was VERY hot, and when I got out of the KR, I left the canopy open and headed for the SAC to suck down a couple of cold Cokes. When I went back out and started closing the canopy, I heard a crunch. It was the fiberglass where the gas spring mount is attached, ripping out. So, today, I took off the canopy door and rebuilt that area with solid flox/resin. I am also going to trim the area where it closes, on the fuselage, because it is way too tight. I was concerned that this would keep me from going to Jack's fly-in, but the fix is in and the Black Bird will be back in the air as soon as it cools down a little. No more flying in 106 degree weather, for me. See you soon, Jack. See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics See you at the 2012 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il MVN 40th Anniversary There is a time for building and it is over. Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC http://www.krbuilder.org/MyUSA/ -----Original Message----- Corvaircraft and KR Netters On Saturday July 21st (three weeks from today) rain date Sunday July 22, There will be a fly-in at Hensley Airpark 04TN about five miles east of GCY, Greene County Tennessee in NE Tennessee.