----- Original Message ----- >From: "Joe Goldman" <joegold...@hotmail.com> >Mark J.,How is your canopy door working out for you.
Joe, I have been very pleased with my set up ever since I designed it. The only thing I would change is to remove the marine hatch spring I used to hold open the door and replace it with a compression strut like used on campers and other light weight doors. My reason for this is at last year's KR Gathering I had left the door open so folks could look in and some Moron, trying to figure out how the spring worked, pulled down hard enough on my doors that he bent both hinges holding the door on the frame. I had to remove both hinges and straighten them before I could fly. I know who did it as I seen them pulling on it but was not close enough to stop them. Nor did they have the balls to tell me about it. I just kept my mouth shut and repaired the damage. Anyway, I did not mean to get off on that. My set up gives great visibility and ease of entry and exit. Passengers have had noproblem with it either. Let me know if you have questions. Mark Jones (N886MJ) Stevens Point, WI E-mail: flyk...@charter.net Web: www.flykr2s.com