
I'll agree with Mark L on this one. You need to stop tweaking and start flying. 
I also disagree on several of the stability comments lately. I've got a S model 
and use the entire CG range with two up. Too much fear being passed around. I 
seem to recall Marty Roberts and his demo flights proved pretty easily how 
great the airplane could fly, with an O200 I should note. 

Also, next weekend, 12 May, a few pilots  are planning to fly to Paola KS (K81) 
for breakfast. All are welcome of course. Should have Terry Chezik, Josh & 
Chanel Choitz, and myself. Somewhere around 9:00. Josh seems to run late as we 
all know. 

Rob Schmitt

From: "Dan Heath" <da...@windstream.net>
Subject: RE: KR> KR stability
To: "'KRnet'" <kr...@mylist.net>
Message-ID: <001401cd2b29$0ba5ef50$22f1cdf0$@net>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="iso-8859-1"

As you know, we can use all the range here in the US, at least now we can.
However, I think it has become an accepted standard that only the aft 2" are
to be used.  I hope everyone knows that.  It is dangerous back there.

I concluded my weight testing today and got up to 130# in the passenger seat
with 15 gallons of fuel.  That took me to about 1160 # gross weight.  I
determined it to be un-safe at that point and for now have set the Gross
Weight at 1145# which puts the CG at almost 1" aft of center.  It is not the
weight that is the problem, but I think it is that I have full spar span
wing tanks and the fuel can move too far aft, so even though the CG shows it
safe, in flare, it really goes more aft than can be calculated.  

I strongly recommend keeping the tanks narrow as you suggest and as I know
Larry F. has done.  In fact, I recommend it so strongly that I expect one
day to re-build my tanks to about 10" wide.  I think I can do that and keep
flying, by doing one tank at a time.  I have to think on that for a while,
cause I don't know how much affect having one wing that much more heavy than
the other will be.

Even at 1160# this KR2 has no problem with take off or cruise or climb.  It
is almost like the extra weight is not there, but landings are a different
story.  I have to come in way too fast for comfort and if I don't do it
exactly right, I am afraid that I would destroy my plane.  So, for now, the
gross weight is 1145# and that was at 16 gallons with 110# in the right

I think the plane needs flaps, but I want to confer with other builders like
Jeff Scott, at the Gathering this year, before thinking about that any

See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2012 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il ? MVN ? 40th
There is a time for building and it is over.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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