---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "jon kimmel" <jkimme...@gmail.com>
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: May 2, 2012 12:17 PM
Subject: Definitely aero core
To: <kr...@mylist.net>

I had to switch my account...looks like the recent spam discussion may have
caused my isp to shut krnet out.

For those who were interested in my fuselage question, the article in
contact magazine issue 19 described the building process
exactly...including details about temporarily screwing the strips to
temporary formers.  I have permission from the editor of contact to copy
the article and post it...although I haven't quite figured how to do that
on the google site I was using (where's a ten year old kid when you need

The aero core article was written in 1994 my fuselage was built in 1999.
There was a balsa wood shortage around that time that forced us to find an
alternate material for floor boards on the E-3...I wonder if aero-core fell
victim to that shortage.

If you are interested in the article before figure out how to post it,
e-mail me directly at kimm...@cox.net.

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