Great job Jeff,I think his information is just about right on. I well venture a 
comment about the 2s tail. While my plane has to many changes to evaluate which 
makes a difference the plane is pretty dang stable and even with a header tank 
burning fuel off over the course of a couple hours can be flown without any 
trim changes. The tail volume of my plane is stock per plans. The pitch is fine 
and nearly every sole that has flown with me has been able to handle it without 
a problem. So I would say that the horizontal stabilizer is adequate from the 
plans of a 2s, But I do not see any harm in increasing the volume either. I 
would take issue with the volume of the vertical stabilizer and rudder of the 
2s plans. After over 800 landings with some of them in conditions that I 
wouldn't do if given a choice. I would increase the the height by at least 3 
inches and maybe make the leading edge further front. I would increase the 
trailing edge of the rudder by an additional 2". Just to be clear it all works 
as is for all normal flying but I think this would help the cross wind 
component significantly. I also love to slip right down to the deck and it 
would make this slightly more effective.Food for thought,Joe Horton 

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: "Jeff Scott" <>
To:,"KRnet" <>
Subject: Re: KR> VG's
Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 00:07:38 -0400

I'll say it's pitch sensitive. It is also dynamically unstable in pitch. 
Whether builders want to accept it or not, the original KR-2 tail in the plans 
lacks sufficient horizontal stabilizer to stabilize it in flight. The lack of 
stabilizer makes it very sensitive to upset by control inputs and dimishes the 
feel in the stick. It is a common problem with home built designs but the KR is 
one of the worst offenders in tail design. By anybody's measure, the KR has an 
unusually small tail as compared to the wing area. The short fuselage only 
exacerbates the problem.

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