I am proud to announce that I test flew my KR2 (Shrek) with the 120hp Jabiru this morning. Wow.. to say the least. On take-off I used a lot of rudder but the tail came up in about 5 meter. I climed at 100 mph @ 1200 ft per min. and did not trust the rpm gauge so did not cruise at full throttle. I could comfortably fly at 160mph. There was no cooling problem. CHT and oil temp showed 100. I need to fly 10 hours for the mod approval. 9.5 to go. Regards Willie Phalaborwa South Africa
- KR> Thrust line offsets .... Martin Pearce
- KR> Thrust line offsets .... Dan Heath
- KR> Thrust line offsets .... Mark Langford
- KR> Thrust line offsets .... Tony King
- KR> Thrust line offsets .... Barry Kruyssen
- KR> Thrust line offsets .... Martin Pearce
- KR> Jabiru 3300 tested in stock KR2 Willie van der Walt
- KR> Jabiru 3300 tested in stock KR2 Eric James Pitts
- KR> Jabiru 3300 tested in stock K... Rudi Venter
- KR> Jabiru 3300 tested in st... Dene Collett
- KR> Thrust line offsets .... Mark Langford
- KR> Thrust line offsets .... Virgil N. Salisbury