KR-2 for sale $1600.00 takes everything you ship cash or money order. It is a Project. Pictures available upon request. David Wade Mr wade
- KR> (no subject) Lee Van Dyke
- KR> (no subject)
- KR> (no subject) David wade
- KR> (no subject) Pat and Robin Russo
- KR> (no subject) Jeff Scott
- KR> (no subject) Phillip E. Harrison
- KR> (no subject) Mark Goldman
- KR> (no subject) Robert Boyd
- KR> (no subject)
- KR> (no subject) Greg Phillpotts
- KR> (no subject) David wade
- KR> (no subject) Robert Boyd
- KR> (no subject) tank behind the seat Willie van der Walt
- KR> (no subject) Larry&Sallie Flesner
- KR> Spar holes John Martindale
- KR> Moving Fuel from the Header Tank Loca... Dan Heath
- KR> weight question... GaryH
- KR> weight question... Larry&Sallie Flesner
- KR> weight question... GaryH
- KR> weight question... Dan Heath
- KR> weight question... Larry&Sallie Flesner