Hey Guys,It has been a slow week here on the net (unless I got booted from the club and just don't know it yet). Any way I got a couple hours in this morning flyin a big triangle around eastern PA. I need to go back out this evening for a couple circuits around the pattern and I should end the day with 700 hours on 357CJ and the corvair. Most every thing has been clean and green for the past year now. I have picked up a little wheel shimmy in the nose gear on landings the past few flights but haven't checked it out yet. Could be the return spring has broken but I don't really know. I forgot to count up the takeoffs' but it should be getting close to 1000. Beautiful day here, hope it is good for everyone else.Joe Horton,Coopersburg, Pa. ____________________________________________________________ 53 Year Old Mom Looks 33 The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4f5d0c6c6ef08dc1f7st02duc