Sid Wood wrote:

<Operations in the USA do not require a FCC radio station license for the
aircraft.  Pilots are not required to have a radio operator license.

<Operations in foreign countries may require station and operator licenses. 

<Foreign country requirements vary: Know before you go.

My son, Kerry McCauley, is an International Ferry Pilot and has flown to
every continent on the planet (except Antarctica).  When this topic came up,
I called him and asked what he does about a radio license.  His reply was
that he carries an FCC Radio Operators License but almost none of the plane
he's flown in the past 20 years has a station license.  He's never been
asked to show his license.  He and I and my grandson landed in Canada a few
years ago on our way to the Alaskan Arctic.  I asked a Canadian airport
official if they still require an operator's license.  He said yes but that
they no longer check for it.

Regulations die slowly.  Going overseas?  Contact the FCC and get an
operator's license.

Dave McCauley 

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