Thank you all, for your replies.  The home-made powder coating setup is 
intriguing, but I think I'll keep it simple and go as follows:

Aluminum:  Alumiprep treatment.  Dry well.  Followed promptly by zinc 
Steel:  Clean well with acetone, then soap and water, then flush with 
lots of water, then dry, followed promptly by zinc chromate.

It also appears I can use paint directly on zinc chromate if I wanted to.

If this approach sounds problematic, please let me know.

Again, thanks for your help!


On 12/26/2011 1:32 PM, Dave_A wrote:
> Alodyne works for aluminum....
> epoxy primer or zinc-chromate will work for both.
> On 12/26/2011 10:38 PM, Dave McCauley wrote:

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