> when >discussing the "design" limitations of the KR, that it has a "design" gross >weight of something like 960 pounds or something near that. This plane is >consistently flown at 1200 pounds gross, or more. I am not recommending >that, but I know that many KR are coming in at near 800 pounds empty weight. >Mine is 750 empty and fly's great with 185 pounds of me and 21 gallons of >fuel. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The plans say the KR2 has a design limit of + or - 7 G's at 800 pounds (5600 pounds). When flying at 1200 pounds you are now down to 4.6 G's. (5600/1200) Then you extend the wings and drop the design limit a bit more. Now you and your buddy want to go out and pull 4+ G's doing aerobatics. Something's gonna' give somewhere, someday. If you are going to extend the wings, keep it light and find someone that can calculate the stress factors. The reason the KR has held up to the many changes over the years is that it was possibly "over designed" to start with, if there is such a possibility. Larry Flesner