Jack,That is the code that supplies the GPS information to another unit Like 
the D10A which in turn does the actual control of the servos. The GPS mainly 
supplies a track and lets the auto pilot controller difine what needs to be 
done to adjust for wind. I talso confirms the altitude. When no flight plan is 
in the GPS the Dynon reverts to heading for the course selection.Joe Horton

-From: "kr2coo...@comcast.net" <kr2coo...@comcast.net>
To: KRnet <kr...@mylist.net> 
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: KR> auto pilot

Joe wrote ----- Original Message -----
&#65533; &#65533;&#65533; &#65533;The other thing that i have been up to is i 
bought myself a Christmas present. I bought the servos for the dynon D10A and 
installed them a couple weeks ago. I started flying and testing and adjusting 
them last weekend. I have about 5 hours with the Auto Pilot working now. 

My question. I have a ifly700. On their website they say&#65533; " NMEA output 
support for autopilot, EFIS or other GPS&#65533; &#65533; driven device". Is 
this the siginal that drives the servos or is there more to it than that? I'm 
sure it can't be that simple. 

Jack Cooper 

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The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried
  • Fw: Re: KR> auto pilot joe.kr2s.buil...@juno.com

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