Mike ask: Where are all the inspirational flying stories that keeps the fires burning in all of us builders ?
I have been reluctant to jump in on this because I'm not flying a KR but it is Experimental related. My friend and neighbor Mac built a RV9A but his health is such that he does not want to take a flight physical right now. Another mutual friend of ours who is a CFI and has a RV7 flew the test flight period on the Mac's 9. Now he is checking me out in the RV9A so that we can both help Mac and fly with him until he gets his health problems solved. In just over a week I have flown 5.5 hours in the RV and need to get 10 hours for Mac's insurance to cover me. Mac spared no expense on his airplane and so has all the latest Garmin and Dynon glass on the panel. How many two place single engine airplanes have you seen that have leather heated seats? My problem is I have always flown steam gauges and so trying to learn these new fangled video games has been a task for me. I do like the attitude indicator display but trying to interpret heading and altitude and airspeed without needles takes all my attention. I know those of you who fly glass panels regularly love them and would never want another steam gauge but it takes some getting used to. The RV has great climb and cruse performance and handles very good. My only complaint (I don't know if I'm complaining about myself or the airplane) I can't get full aft stick because of my fat belly and the five point harness the stick hits the harness buckle before it hits the stops. I do have the seat adjusted as far back as it will go. That's my flying story probably not very inspirational for a KR builder but at least I'm not growing roots on the couch. Sorry to say that my KR is sitting in the basement looking lonesome and forgotten. I haven't worked on it since I bought the Grumman just over a year ago. The Grumman takes all my dollars and time but gives me a lot of flying pleasure in return. Jack Cooper Chuckey TN. ----- Original Message -----