In going thru the older messages in the archives and looking at the
different members websites on the construction of their respective aircraft-
I must say that I am impressed. One of the things that impresses me most is
that, in general- everyone seems to not only show their successes, but also
the ideas that didn't work! That I am glad to see. I have been on several
other homebuilt lists and this is generally NOT the case. It makes me glad
to have settled on the KR2S!I am still working on my build strategy for this
fine airplane and taking notes on what I want to do, and more importantly
what NOT to do.

Armed with the information from this list and the Corvair engine list, I
feel that I will be able to build my project much easier and better than I
would have imagined. I'll try to pay back the list members with my own
website and well documented build information when I get started. In the
meantime, please keep sharing and updating your respective websites and keep
the flow of information going. I'm sure that not only me, but all of the
newer builders appreciate more than you will ever know.

In my time I have built a LOT of industrial control panels and I'll be
applying much of that knowledge to the wiring of my plane and in doing so
maybe I will introduce a few "new" things to the list. Technology has come a
long way in the past few years and much of that will help "update" the
wiring systems and reliability- though I will stay away from computer
controls and PLC's :) Fuses and circuit breakers will be different from any
I have seen in a homebuilt so far though.

Anyway- THANKS FOR ALL THE GREAT INFORMATION that you are willing to take
the time to share and help others with! I'll try hard to live up to the
standards that you have set so far.

Thanks again- (and sorry for being so long winded)
Barrett Flowers
Salt Lake City, UT

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