Message: 2
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 05:04:38 +0000
From: Dave Acklam <dave.a.kr...@gmail.com>
Subject: KR> Purchased a KR-2, want to change the landing gear

I want to convert it to tri-gear, as all my time has been in 172s & I'm not
quite comfortable picking up a new airframe and learning to fly tailwheel at
the same time.

My KR-2 was a tail dragger years ago and after a hard landing on my fifth
flight I decided to do the conversion. It was a great improvement in the
ground handling. I think the 2-s version is better suited for tail wheels
due to it's longer length. I designed my own hardware and the biggest
challenge was getting the nose wheel right. 

Estacada Ore.

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